Ford Ranger Px1 2011 - 2015, Px2 2015 - 2018, Non Adjustable - Upper Control Arm Ball Joint (BJUCAFRT6F)


Sale price$213.19


These CalOffroad Non-Adjustable Upper Control Arm Ball Joints are specifically designed to fit the CalOffroad Upper Control Arms for the Ford Ranger PX1 2011 - 2015, PX2 2015 - 2018. They can also be used as a factory arm upgraded ball joint. Ball joints are easy to replace and can be done at any time so why not include ours in your next service?

Product details:

Suits the Ford Ranger PX1 2011 - 2015, PX2 2015 - 2018
Ball pins are manufactured from SCM435 Molybdenum and Chromium Alloy steel 
Heat treatment is applied to the ball studs to reduce wear, providing for longer life of the component.
"Mirror treatment" process is used on the ball stud, it is polished to a superior surface to allow for a much smoother movement during rotation
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